[:ja]アンゴラ国会議長来日[:en]Speaker of the National Assembly Visits Japan[:pt]Presidente da Assembleia Nacional Visita o Japão[:]


この訪日において、アンゴラ国会議長は、天皇陛下にご接見を賜り、また安倍晋三首相を表敬訪問した。懇談では、日本とアンゴラは、国連安全保障理事会でともに非常任理事国を務めることや、TICAD VIから、両国関係をより強化について話が及んだ。また、アンゴラ国会議長は、この機会を通じ東日本大震災で被災された方々に対するお見舞いを伝えた。

更に、大島理森衆議院議長と山崎正昭参議院 議長との会談では、両国間の協力や議員関係の強化が重要であり、議員同士の交流やアンゴラ訪問の必要性を述べた。



Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Angola and the Prime Minister of Japan

The Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Angola, H. E. Fernando da Piedade Dias dos Santos, visited Japan from 21 to 25 March at the invitation of the Speaker of the House of Representatives of Japan, Hon. Tadamori Oshima.

During his stay in Japan, the Speaker of the National Assembly paid a courtesy call to His Majesty Emperor Akihito as well as to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe with whom reviewed the state of the bilateral relations, cooperation in the UN Security Council where the two countries are non-permanent members and the participation of Angola at the TICAD VI. The Speaker of the National Assembly took the opportunity to express the solidarity of the Angolan people with all the victims of the earthquake and tsunami that hit the east coast of Japan in March 2011.

The Speaker of the National Assembly met separately with the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon. Tadamori Oshima and with the President of the House of Councillors, Hon. Masaaki Yamazaki. The parties discussed ways to strengthen the cooperation between the parliaments of both countries as well as visits by members of the parliament to exchange experiences.

The agenda of the Speaker of the National Assembly also included meetings with the African diplomatic corps in Japan, the Japan-African Union Parliamentary Friendship League, the Japan-Angola Parliamentary Friendship Committee as well as with senior executives of Japanese companies and financial institutions.

After wrapping up the official agenda in Tokyo, the Speaker of the National Assembly went to Hiroshima where he held talks with Governor Hidehiko Yuzaki and Mayor Kazumi Matsui. In Hiroshima, the Speaker of the National Assembly paid a visit to the Itsukushima Shrine, toured the Peace Memorial Museum, visited the Peace Memorial Park and laid a wreath in honor of the victims of the atomic bomb.

Presidente da Assembleia Nacional da República de Angola com o Primeiro Ministro do Japão

O Presidente da Assembleia Nacional da República de Angola, S. E. Fernando da Piedade Dias dos Santos, visitou o Japão de 21 a 25 Março, a convite do Presidente da Câmara dos Representantes do Japão, S. E. Tadamori Oshima.

Durante a sua estadia no Japão, o Presidente da Assembleia Nacional efectuou uma visita de cortesia a sua Majestade o Imperador Akihito e foi recebido em audiência pelo Primeiro Ministro Shinzo Abe com quem passou em revista o estado das relações bilaterais, cooperação no Conselho de Segurança da ONU onde os dois países são membros não-permanentes e a participação de Angola na TICAD VI. O Presidente da Assembleia Nacional aproveitou a ocasião para expressar a solidariedade do povo angolano para com as vítimas do terramoto e do tsunami que devastaram a região consteira do leste do Japão em Março de 2011.

O Presidente da Assembleia Nacional reuniu-se em separado com o Presidente da Câmara dos Representantes, S. E. Tadamori Oshima e com o Presidente da Câmara dos Conselheiros, S. E. Masaaki Yamazaki. Nas reuniões foi discutido o reforço da cooperação entre os parlamentos dos dois países e visitas de deputados para a troca de experiências.

Constou igualmente da agenda da visita do Presidente da Assembleia Nacional encontros com o corpo diplomático africano acreditado no Japão, com a Liga Parlamentar de Amizade Japão – União Africana, com o Comité Parlamentar de Amizade Japão-Angola e com altos representantes de empresas e instituições financeiras japonesas.

Após cumprir a sua agenda em Tóquio, o Presidente da Assembleia Nacional deslocou-se a Hiroshima onde foi recebido em audiência pelo Governador Hidehiko Yuzaki e pelo Administrador Municipal Kazumi Matsui. Em Hiroshima, o Presidente da Assembleia Nacional efectuou uma visita ao Santuário de Itsukushima, percorreu o Museu Memorial da Paz, visitou o Parque Memorial da Paz e depositou uma coroa de flores em homenagem às vítimas da bomba atómica.

Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Angola and the Prime Minister of Japan

The Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Angola, H. E. Fernando da Piedade Dias dos Santos, visited Japan from 21 to 25 March at the invitation of the Speaker of the House of Representatives of Japan, Hon. Tadamori Oshima.

During his stay in Japan, the Speaker of the National Assembly paid a courtesy call to His Majesty Emperor Akihito as well as to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe with whom reviewed the state of the bilateral relations, cooperation in the UN Security Council where the two countries are non-permanent members and the participation of Angola at the TICAD VI. The Speaker of the National Assembly took the opportunity to express the solidarity of the Angolan people with all the victims of the earthquake and tsunami that hit the east coast of Japan in March 2011.

The Speaker of the National Assembly met separately with the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon. Tadamori Oshima and with the President of the House of Councillors, Hon. Masaaki Yamazaki. The parties discussed ways to strengthen the cooperation between the parliaments of both countries as well as visits by members of the parliament to exchange experiences.

The agenda of the Speaker of the National Assembly also included meetings with the African diplomatic corps in Japan, the Japan-African Union Parliamentary Friendship League, the Japan-Angola Parliamentary Friendship Committee as well as with senior executives of Japanese companies and financial institutions.

After wrapping up the official agenda in Tokyo, the Speaker of the National Assembly went to Hiroshima where he held talks with Governor Hidehiko Yuzaki and Mayor Kazumi Matsui. In Hiroshima, the Speaker of the National Assembly paid a visit to the Itsukushima Shrine, toured the Peace Memorial Museum, visited the Peace Memorial Park and laid a wreath in honor of the victims of the atomic bomb.

Speaker of the National Assembly with His Majesty the Emperor
Speaker of the National Assembly with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe
Meeting between the Speaker of the National Assembly and the Speaker of the House of Representatives
Angolan Parliamentary Delegation at the Official Residence of the Speaker of the House of Representatives
Meeting between the Speaker of the National Assembly and the President of the House of Councillors
President of the National Assembly with Members of the Japan-African Union Parliamentary Friendship League
Speaker of the National Assembly with Members of the Japan-Angola Parliamentary Friendship Committee
Speaker of the National Assembly at the Itsukushima Shrine
Speaker of the National Assembly at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial
Speaker of the National Assembly laid a wreath in honour of the victims of the atomic bomb

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