November 15, 2022

H.E. Rui Orlando Xavier, Ambassador of Angola to Japan, accompanied by Mrs. Counselors Carolina Nunes and Amélia Fernandes, visited the Tsuzuki waste treatment facility, located in Yokohama Prefecture.

The Ambassador and delegation were received by the Mayor of Tsuzuki City Mr. Sato Tomonari and the Plant Director Mr. Okutsu Kikuo.
After a presentation of the factory’s functionalities, the delegation visited all the compartments.

The factory annually processes about 117 thousand tons of garbage and of this 82,500 thousand tons are incinerated. The rest is recycled, such as paper, plastic and glass, which are used to make various products for daily use. The gases resulting from incineration are filtered and the steam is sent to the turbines to generate energy, which is used to power the factory, community centers and others located outside the factory, and the rest is sold to energy companies. The ashes from incineration, in turn, mixed with cement, are used to fill areas for land reclamation from the sea.

The factory incinerates around 400,000 tons of waste daily.

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