On the 10th and 11th of October of the current year, HE Teodolinda Rosa Rodrigues Coelho, Ambassador of the Republic of Angola to Japan, participated in a study visit to the Fukushima region, a visit organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs aimed at accredited diplomats in Japan.
The objective of this study visit was to present the economic potential of the Fukushima region, the third largest prefecture in Japan, located in the Tohoku region, affected by the serious impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake, which occurred on March 11 of 2011, known by many locals as the triple catastrophe – earthquake, tsunami that shook the nuclear power plant in the same region.
More than thirteen years later, Fukushima has now become a busy tourist destination with people wanting to witness the extensive revitalization efforts, which have allowed not only the return of people but also businesses with the realization of a series of innovative projects, both in the area of robotics and green hydrogen, as well as in the plan for rebuilding the coast and recovering the fishing industry and commerce.
Participants on the same visit were able to stay in touch with the Great East Japan Earthquake and Nuclear Disaster Memorial Museum, a beautiful and modern complex, completed in 2020 and known locally as “Denshokan”, which recounts in great detail the events of the natural disaster occurred in 2011 and its destructive power, providing important lessons (through written records, audiovisual materials and documents), regarding the issue of natural disasters and the effort that must be made in preparing future generations for major events and natural catastrophes .
The event was marked by H.E Mrs. Ambassador, on behalf of the diplomatic corps, who thanked the invitation and on behalf of everyone, recognized the efforts of the Japanese Government in rehabilitating the region, transforming Fukishima into a hub for development. He also recognized the efforts of local authorities to recover the fishing industry in the region, taking the opportunity to taste the region’s seafood at a dinner hosted by the governor of Fukushima, H.E. Uchibori Masao.
*Unofficial translation