The Ministers of Finance of Japan and of the Republic of Angola Shaking Hands

The Minister of Finance of the Republic of Angola, Armando Manuel and the President of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Akihiko Tanaka, signed on August 17 in Tokyo, Japan, a 23.64 trillion yen loan agreement. The loan designated as “Development Policy Loan” was preceded by an Exchange of Notes signing ceremony held in Luanda (Angola) on July 31.

The three-day visit to Japan by the Angolan minister was aimed at strengthening the financial cooperation between the two countries. During his stay in Tokyo, Minister Armando Manuel held separate meetings with his Japanese counterpart, Taro Aso, with the State Minister of Cabinet Office and Secretary-General of the Japan-African Union Parliamentary Friendship League, Yasutoshi Nishimura, with the Executive Managing Director and COO of the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), Koichi Yajima as well as with senior officials from Japanese financial institutions and private companies.

In this visit to Japan, Minister Armando Manuel was accompanied by the Director for Asia and Oceania of the Ministry of External Affairs, Ambassador Samuel Cunha, the Director of the Public Debt Management Unit of the Ministry of Finance, Angelica Paquete and had the support of the Embassy of the Republic of Angola in Japan.