Crispus Kiyonga, Special Envoy of the Ugandan President / Photo: Francisco Miudo

The Angolan Head of State, José Eduardo dos Santos, received on August 18, at the Presidential Palace in Luanda a message from his counterpart of Uganda, Museveni Yoweru. The message was conveyed by Uganda’s Defense Minister, Crispus Kyonga, acting as a special envoy of the Ugandan leader.

Asked by the press about the current situation in the Great Lakes Region, particularly the crisis in Burundi, Crispus Kyonda briefly stated that the Ugandan President had been appointed as a mediator for conflict between the government and the opposition.

José Eduardo dos Santos is the current President of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR), a regional body established in the aftermath of conflicts that marked the Great Lakes region in 1994.

ICGLR member states include Angola, Burundi, Central African Republic, Congo, DR Congo, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Sudan, South Sudan, Tanzania and Zambia.

Source: ANGOP