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The Republic of Angola was elected on 16 October by the United Nations General Assembly in New York, as member of the UN Human Rights Council, for the period 2018 – 2020. Angola was among the four candidates from Africa to the Council, alongside the Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria and Senegal.

In all, the General Assembly elected 15 new members, four from Africa, four from the Asia-Pacific, two from Eastern Europe, three for Latin America and two for Western Europe and other States.

Angola got 187 votes, out of the 193 possible. The other elected members are Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria and Senegal (Africa), Afghanistan, Nepal, Pakistan and Qatar (Asia Pacific), Slovakia and Ukraine (Eastern Europe), Chile, Mexico and Peru (Latin America and the Caribbean) and Australia and Spain (Western Europe and other states).

Angola submitted its candidacy in 2016 and was endorsed by the African Union (AU) during the organization’s Summit in July of this year. Angola has been a member of the United Nations Human Rights Council in the past, having served two consecutive terms from 2007 to 2013.

Based in Geneva, Switzerland, the 47 members Human Rights Council is a subsidiary body of the United Nations General Assembly, responsible for the promotion and protection of human rights since its inception in 2006.

Source: ANGOP