October 2, 2022

Under the motto “Connecting the World, Creating the Future,” the event “Global Festa Japan 2022” took place on October 1st and 2nd, 2022, in Tokyo. It is one of the largest events held in Japan, co-organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), and the Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation (JANIC). The objective of the event is to raise awareness among the public about the current situation and the need for international cooperation, providing each exhibitor with the opportunity to promote their respective country.

Several exhibitors participate, with a particular emphasis on African countries, which were in the majority compared to other continents. In total, there were 14 countries, regional organizations, and international organizations represented.

Angola was represented by Counsellor Mrs. Carolina Martinho Nunes da Piedade, First Secretary Mrs. Manuela Afonso da Costa, and Administrative Assistant Mrs. Izumi Tamaki Sonoda. They showcased a promotional video highlighting Angola’s tourism, displayed sculptures created by Angolan artists, presented Angolan cuisine, and provided information about our country in various areas, particularly tourism, culture, geography, history, and more.

The Angolan exhibition was very well received by the visitors, and many of them expressed a desire to visit the Embassy to obtain further information about the country and engage in discussions with Angolan representatives.

*Unofficial translation

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