November 02, 2022
A meeting between the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassadors of Africa, accredited in Japan, and the Executive Director of NEPAD, Ms. Nardos Bekele- Thomas was hold at the Embassy of the Republic of Angola in Japan.
His Excellency Ambassador of Angola, Mr. Rui Orlando Xavier, as host of the meeting, welcomed and thanked everyone for their presence, especially Ms. Nardos Bekele-Thomas, Director of NEPAD.
The meeting served primarily to discuss the implementation of NEPAD programs on the African continent. This task fell to the Executive Director of NEPAD, in a dissertation where she addressed topics of great strategic relevance, stating that for the first time, a single vision is being shared among the 54 countries of the African continent, in order to leverage Africa in a strong continent, where the spirit of Pan-Africanism must continue to reign within each of the African States, and in their communities.
She also appealed to the need for Africa to have good certified leaderships, with the need to integrate development programs and action plans for all, with the construction of strong infrastructures and with good partnerships, stating that only in this way will a good legacy for future generations.
At the end of her dissertation, there was a period of questions and answers in a cordial and relaxed atmosphere.
Note that the meeting was attended by 35 Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassadors from Africa, accredited in Japan.