November 10, 2021
Caesar Esteves-Journalist

The achievements of National Independence and peace are indelible marks of “our history, which is why the challenges to maintain their achievements, build national unity and build a reconciled Nation must be permanent and part of our daily lives”, defended the President of the Republic, João Lourenço.

President of the Republic, João Lourenço. 
© Photography by: DR

The Head of State made this appeal this Wednesday (10) during his message to the Nation on the occasion of the 46th anniversary of National Independence, in this Thursday (11).

According to João Lourenço, November 11th should be a day of celebration, victory, hope, glory and reflection on “our glorious journey” and on the much that lies ahead to overcome the challenges of our time.

The President of the Republic also considers it to be a time to believe, fight and work “hard” to win the battle for development.

“This is, therefore, a moment of recognition and gratitude to all those who, from the remotest times of the beginning of colonization, fought, sweated, shed their blood and gave their lives so that, from the darkness of night, born in the light of freedom,” he highlighted.

The President highlighted that the colonial occupation was the first great test of our resilience, our fearless capacity to fight for our rights and objectives, our unbreakable union in the face of great challenges and our firm will to win.

The Head of State also defended that the achievements of independence and peace should fill every Angolan with pride and encourage him to face the “long road” that lies ahead, to overcome the challenges of our time.

“We have a past that makes us proud and that drives us to build a better future”, highlighted João Lourenço.  

Font: Jornal de Angola

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